6 Areas of Opportunity for Enhanced Success in 2021


SHown is an image of 3 business women being successful and taking charge of their life.


The New Year is finally here, and despite the challenges faced in 2020, I know greater is He who is within me than he that is in the world!

Not only did 2020 whip us into shape, but it refined our skill sets and forced us out of our comfort zones. 

Hopefully, you completed your 2021 vision board, but if not I will outline 6 areas to jumpstart your goal planning!

  1. Self-care. This is the most important step. “You cannot pour from an empty cup”. This is the best investment you can make for yourself, and gain self-awareness in the process. Ask yourself 'what does self-care look like?'  

  2.  Self-Reflections. Write down your life story as it is today, then write out the success story you've envisioned for yourself. How do you get there? What relationships do you need to build? What degree must you acquire? What promotion would best prepare you for your desired path to success? 

  3. Financial Wellbeing. How are you preparing for your future beyond today? The aftermath of 2020 was job losses, depleted savings, foreclosures, family growths and losses, marriages, and divorces. What are you doing today to rebuild your financial position? 

  4. Hobbies. Do at least one thing for yourself each week. Whether that is binge-watching your Netflix faves, dusting off your knitting/crochet hooks, reading a book, or playing recreational sports. Whatever it is, spend at least 15-30 mins per day doing what you love.

  5. Learn a new skill. If nothing else, 2020 taught us to become multi-faceted. Before launching Innovate Green, my background spanned the width of Finance with a sprinkle of wellness in my spare time. Since launching my brand, I've developed a plethora of skills and experiences that will transcend into my future roles. 

  6. Family. Life is too precious, and tomorrow is not promised. For many, family is their backbone and main support system, and with the help of video calls, we can safely interact with our loved ones and continue building lasting memories during a pandemic. 

I challenge you to use this information to craft your roadmap for success in 2021 and beyond, and tag us on social media (@HelloInnovateGreen - FB | @InnovateGreen - IG) with your top 3 areas of opportunity. 

If you loved this week’s blog, leave me a comment below! Also, don’t forget to share this with others! If you have a question or topic you would like explored, leave them in a comment below or shoot me an email at Lisa@InnovateGreenLLC.com!

Love Always and Happy New Year, 



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