4 Factors Impacting the Health-Conscious Generation

There have been many discussions questioning the long-term health of Millennials, as a result of:
1. Depression
2. Anxiety
3. Stress, and
4. Obesity levels.
Several articles predict that our health will be worse than our Baby Boomer parents, once we reach middle age.
Like many health-conscious Millennials, I feel that there is a lot that can be said about our relentless determination and our dutiful attention to our bodies. As survivors of multiple life-changing experiences, we've cultivated ways to thrive amidst misnomers such as “being entitled and lazy”, forged new paths to success, and worked tirelessly to fight against social injustice.
We continue showing up despite our over-arching student loan debt, toxic work environments, and overwhelming pressures to be perfect. We defeat feelings of isolation and burnout, to maintain hyperactive production levels and forgo our body’s natural impulse to rest.
Though powerful beings, we do have our shortcomings. Outside of fighting to save the world, we may have unhealthy ways of coping with our stress and anxiety. For instance, excessive alcohol consumption, vaping, over-indulging in unhealthy foods, and a poor sleep schedule.
Still, Millennials are the generation responsible for the recent spike in the wellness industry. Not only are we leading in prioritizing our mental and physical health, but with the help of WebMD, we are learning what makes our bodies tick and inspiring a new wave of health practices.
Despite the extenuating circumstances we've faced, we've explored healthier ways of coping via natural remedies, exercise, alternate reality communities - aka “fan fiction” groups and acquiring hobbies like gardening.
If you are like me, since 2020, my plant, herb, and essential oil collections have grown 3-fold. I've journaled more in the last year than I have in the last 5 years of my life, and I've learned more ways to improve my health and our Planet!
Ultimately, through this blog I hope to uplift and inspire a generation of trailblazers who don't recent enough credit, and encourage you to continue seeking wellness for yourself. As Madame Dionne Warwick stated, "Keep smiling. Keep shining. Knowing you can always count on me. For sure! That's what friends are for!"
If you are a Millennial and you felt empowered after reading today's blog, leave a comment below or shoot me an email at checkthisout@innovategreenllc.com!
I am not a medical doctor or health professional. All content and media provided are for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.
Love Always,
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