Maturing Gracefully

“Beauty’s only skin deep. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Beauty’s only skin deep. Ooh yeah!”
Top concerns among our seasoned audience pertain to mature skin and ways to restore “wrinkled, dehydrated, thin” skin post-menopause. But since we aren't getting any younger, this would be an interesting topic for women of all ages.
Mature and maturing skin is nothing more than the body telling you that it lacks macro- and micro-nutrients - which maintain our skin’s barrier functions. Our skin is the biggest organ on our body, and it requires a lot of love and affection. When things change, such as your nutrition and lifestyle, the skin is the first to show that there is an imbalance.
There are 3 levels to our skin. We are going to focus on the top 2 levels - epidermis and dermis. What you see on the surface level - epidermis, is often a direct result of elements we expose our skin to, and sometimes a result of the dermis. Occurrences to the dermis are completely out of our control, such as slight wrinkles here and there. Though, these natural occurrences may heighten as a result of avoidable elements, such as damaging UV rays, lack of sleep, stress, over-consumption of alcohol, smoking, pollution, and free radicals.
However, if you have experienced menopause, you may have noticed those changes were more intensified along the skin on your face, legs, and around those nether regions.
During menopause, your body feasts and nearly depletes your estrogen sources. Sex organs shrink to half their sizes post-menopause, and with them so does our estrogen levels. These changes are most reflected by the skin on your face, legs, and areas near those nether regions. Not to mention, the impact to the sublayer of skin, which regulates your body temperature. (Hot flashes anyone?)
The rapid loss of estrogen greatly impacts your collagen levels, among other things; ultimately impacting the plumpness and elasticity of your skin. Though some of the symptoms expressed may be treated topically, the benefits received are minuscule in comparison to oral treatments. Consuming foods and sources rich in the nutrients lacked, will greatly improve and restore internal and nutritional deficiencies.
The best prohibitor of mature skin symptoms is preventative maintenance. There is no magic pill or ointment to cure years of damage.
Here’s what I recommend. If you are not able to avoid the Sun, apply that sunscreen like it is mosquito repellent during humid Summer. Incorporate foods rich in Collagen and Vitamin C into your diet. Ingest foods and beverages that will aid in replenishing your estrogen levels. Find sources rich in Copper peptide, Zinc, Retinol, Magnesium, Selenium, and Vitamins A and E. Read Two Truths and A Lie About Oily Skin, The Low Down On Dry Skin, and Reinventing Combination Skin for skin care tips and methods. Lastly, lay low on the processed sugars, carbohydrates, and caffeine. These sources will eliminate any constructive repair to the skin and trigger those infamous hot flashes.
Not sure where to find collagen, estrogen, and Vitamin C sources. No worries. They’re all in the foods Momma always told you to eat. Fruits and veggies, especially those rich in antioxidants. Though collagen is mostly found in animal and marine foods, such as chicken, bone broths, and fish eyes. Yes, we said fish eyes, but this is all a topic for another day.
If you loved this week’s blog and you learned something new, leave me a comment below! And don’t forget to share this with others who may be struggling with the same issues! If you have any questions that weren’t covered, leave a comment, or shoot me an email at checkthisout@innovategreenllc.
Stay tuned for the final blog of this series where we will tackle sensitive skin and delve into skin related questions you sent in!
*I am not a medical doctor or health professional. All content and media provided are for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.*
Love Always,
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